Sidestepping Miranda
Several years ago I wrote an article going after an appellate court decision out of Washington that, in short, allowed police (in that State, at least) to sides...
Several years ago I wrote an article going after an appellate court decision out of Washington that, in short, allowed police (in that State, at least) to sides...
I’ve said before that we need to make it clearer than crystal that rape victims (male or female) absolutely must cooperate with law enforcement with colle...
In the United States there are several rights codified in our Constitution. And one concept about rights many seem to forget is they are entirely voluntary. You...
As I write this, the hot ticket news headline is Bill Cosby’s indictment being vacated by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court. And a lot of people are naturall...
Let’s talk about that new law recently signed by the Alabama governor. The bill amends Alabama Code ยงย 16-22-1. Here is the original text of that section: ...
Mirandizing suspects is one of the most recognized of police actions, but also one of the least understood. Many people have numerous misconceptions about how t...
As a person who owns a blog that doesn’t really get a lot of hits, I tend to notice when one article gets a lot of hits over anything else. Recently, the ...
When you are arrested and taken into custody by a law enforcement officer, the Courts are your last safeguard with regard to your rights. The Court applies the ...