“Bloat” doesn’t mean what you think it does
So a few weeks ago I come across a post calling the engineers of old “lazy” because a decision to not record all 4 digits of a year led to a worldwi...
So a few weeks ago I come across a post calling the engineers of old “lazy” because a decision to not record all 4 digits of a year led to a worldwi...
Actually, no, it didn’t. But that doesn’t mean the two never overlapped. Like most photographers out there, I do post my work online. To Instagram, ...
My philosophy on comments is pretty simple. They’re for explaining outlier situations, not handholding. You don’t write comments to point out the ob...
Let’s look at this: And quoting it directly in case it disappears later: People like to romanticize the devs of the past. “People just don’t c...
I’m migrating this site over to Ghost. Over the 15+ years I’ve had this blog on WordPress, there are a few plugins I’ve come to rely on heavil...
So according to the ATF and Sotomayor’s dissent in the “bump stock” case, Garland v. Cargill, these two operations are identical: and Yeah, ob...
Add this code to the default.hbs file in your theme at the bottom before the {{ghost_foot}} helper. Don’t forget as well to include the fslightbox.js file...